Registration of Birth/Marriage/Death

  • Registry of Birth in Consular Offices

    You may only register the birth of Panamanian citizens born abroad through our offices if they are minors (under 18 years of age). The process takes 3 to 4 months and you must send the following documents:

    Original birth certificate or a certified copy issued by the Office of Vital Records

    Translation of the certificate to Spanish by an authorized public translator in the United States or Panama

    Present a valid Panamanian ID for both parents. If one of the parents is not Panamanian they must submit their passport

    Fee: $220.00 (by money order or certified check made out to Consulate of Panama).

    Pre-paid envelope for return of documents or pay $40 for FedEx Next Day Air.

    Note: This process must be done in our consular offices.

  • Registry of Birth in Panama

    You may also register the birth of Panamanian Citizens directly in Panama. You may access the following link for a step by step explanation of the process.

    Prior to traveling to Panama you must send the following documents to our offices:

    Send an original birth certificate or a certified copy issued by the Office of Vital Records

    Any official document to be authenticated by the consulate must be an original document or certified copy with original seal and signature

    The Consular Fee is $30.00 per document, payable by money order made out to the Consulate of Panama

    Self-addressed prepaid envelope for return of documents or pay $40 for FedEx Next Day Air

  • Registration of Births in the Former Canal Zone

    If you were born in the Canal Zone you may be eligible to obtain Panamanian Citizenship:

    Original birth certificate with seal from the Office of Vital Records of the State Department in Washington.

    The birth certificate then must be authenticated by a Panamanian Consulate in the United States

    Have the certified document translated to Spanish by a duly authorized Public Translator in the Republic of Panama.

    Provide a personal I.D. (passport, drivers license or any other form of valid ID)

    Note: You must submit all documentation in person in Panama at:

    The Administrative Office of the Foreign Vital Records and Judicial Acts of the Civil Registrar of Panama

    Jefe del Departamento de Hechos Vitales y Actos Juridicos Ocurridos en el Exterior

    Dirección General del Registro Civil, Ciudad de Panamá

  • Registry of Marriage in Consular Offices

    You may only register the marriage of Panamanian citizens who got married abroad through our offices. The process takes 2 to 3 months and you must send the following documents:

    Send an original marriage certificate or a certified copy issued by the Office of Vital Records

    Translation of the certificate to Spanish by an authorized public translator in the United States or Panama

    Fee: $180.00 (by money order or certified check made out to Consulate of Panama)

    Copy of a Panamanian I.D. for bride and groom. If one of the applicants is not Panamanian citizen they must submit copy of their passport or I.D

    Pre-paid envelope for return of documents or pay $40 for FedEx Next Day Air

    Note: This process may only be done in our Consular offices and both applicants must come personally.

  • Registry of Marriage in Panama

    You may also register your marriage directly in Panama. Prior to traveling to Panama you must send the following documents to our offices:

    Send an original marriage certificate or a certified copy issued by the Office of Vital Records.

    Any official document to be authenticated by the consulate must be an original document or certified copy with original seal and signature.

    In case of original private documents, the signature must be endorsed by a Notary Public. Make sure the signature is legible. If it is not, please write out the full name of signatory.

    The consular fee is $30.00 per document, payable by money order made out to the Consulate of Panama.

    Self-addressed prepaid envelope for return of documents or pay $40 for FedEx Next Day Air

  • Registry of Death in Consular Offices

    You may only register the death of Panamanian citizens that occurred abroad through our offices. The process takes 2 to 3 months and you must send the following documents:

    Send an original death certificate or a certified copy issued by the Office of Vital Records

    Translation of the certificate to Spanish by an authorized public translator in the United States or Panama

    Fee: $160.00 (by money order or certified check made out to Consulate of Panama)

    Copy of a Panamanian I.D. of the deceased

    Copy of any form of I.D. of the family member that is registering the death. This may be done by the spouse, parents, siblings, or children

    Pre-paid envelope for return of documents or pay $40 for FedEx Next Day Air

    Note: This process must be done in our Consular offices.

  • Registry of Death in Panama

    You may also register the death of a Panamanian citizen that occurred abroad directly in Panama. You may access the following link for a step by step explanation of the process.

    Prior to traveling to Panama you must send the following documents to our offices:

    Send an original death certificate or a certified copy issued by the Office of Vital Records

    Any official document to be authenticated by the consulate must be an original document or certified copy with original seal and signature

    The consular fee is $30.00 per document, payable by money order made out to the Consulate of Panama

    Self-addressed prepaid envelope for return of documents or pay $40 for FedEx Next Day Air goes here